Sunday, January 4, 2015

7 Things I Want My Parents To Know Before They Die

God was kind enough to bless me with the worlds greatest set of parents who not only love me but support me in everything I do. Both my mom and my dad mean a lot to me for different reasons-my mom is funny, loving, blunt, and compassionate to all three of her daughters, she is the kind of mother I hope to be someday; and my dad is hardworking, honest, and someone I will most likely compare every boy I date to. Since moving away to college, (12 hours away from good cooking and good advice), my love, respect and admiration for both my mother and father has only grown. I can't imagine a life without my mom's sarcastic stories of her day at work, or my dads Time Magazine worthy life advice. The thought of having to life a life without them weighs heavy on me at times with today's unpredictable world, so I thought it fitting to write a list of 7 Things I Want My Parents To Know Before They Die.

"Family isn't an important thing. It everything." -Michael J. Fox

1) You Cross My Mind Every Single Day
Yes, mom and dad I do think about you a lot- I'm not just here at college "partying it up" (mainly cause y'all raised me to know better than to try that)...but in all seriousness, between classes, on the weekends, when I'm at church by myself or during Volleyball season after games, you two are always on my mind.

2) I Realize How Much You Sacrificed For Our Family
All of the late nights Dad would come home, constant emailing on weekends, and the "I can't, I have to work" texts truly demonstrate how hard to work to provide for our family, you went above and beyond what was expected of you, and you did it without complaining. Between Disney World vacations, Hannah Montana CD's in the car, and sitting through Frozen for the 100th time, you two sacrifice time and your own happiness for the joy of my sisters and I, and that is something not every parent does.

3) Your Marriage Contributed To The Way I Was Raised
In a world filled with single moms, and children coming from broken families, I am both blessed and proud to say that I was raised in a traditional home setting, something that truly did make my childhood fulfilling. Piling up in the truck on Sunday mornings to head to church, gathering around the TV to race each other in Mario Kart, and joining hands at the dinner table in the evenings are memories and experiences I will never forget. Having a house full of five not only made life more interesting, it also taught me how to handle responsibilities. Because of your marriage, the ups and downs, there are certain family values I learned, and truly respect.

4) I Am Who I Am Because Of You
Everything that encompasses me, my likes, dislikes, tastes in music, and attributes are because of the two of you. I get my competitiveness, loyalty, drive, and love for sports, fishing, Ozzy, and the Longhorns from Dad, I get my stubbornness, adoration of children, and love for good Country music, reading, and laughing from Mom. The two of you raised me to be strong willed, focused, and driven; to not let anything distract me or get in my way. If I have been dealt a different set of parents, I am almost positive I would be a different person, I am blessed immensely by the both of you.

5) The Experiences You Gave Me Mean The World To Me
One thing I am especially grateful for is the way you chose to expose my sisters and I to a lot of different things about the world: from vacations to Hawaii, New York, and California, I have traveled a good portion of The United States and have knowledge of many different things, including how to hang a picture, ride a four wheeler, cook pork chops, hit a softball, shoot a gun, drive a truck, sew on a button, and do laundry. Everything you've taught me about life, God, sports, and school I have retained, and refer to often.

6) I Have The Utmost Respect For Y'all
Since moving to college, a lot of people, both peers and adults ask: "Do you get along with your parents?" and my answer is always the same, I say: "Of course I do, I love, respect, and fear my parents, I know they would do anything for me, but I also know what the expect of me and so I don't cross them." Not only do I respect you as parents, who provide, love, and care for me, I respect you for the people and citizens you are. The two of you are such amazing people, and amazing parents. Dad, you are so generous and caring, always donating your time and service to those in need, and mom you are so compassionate; always trying to make others happy and trying your best to be there for friends and family in need.

7) You Mean More To Me Than Life
My love for you is virtually indescribable. Y'all are my best friends, role models, spiritual influences, and so much more. Everything I do in life I do in the hopes of pleasing you, and making you proud. Often times I fear living in a world without the two of you, and that is something that will be extremely hard when the time comes, so always know that I love you, with all my heart.