Thursday, October 2, 2014

When I Realized I Was Growing Up

You would think the liberating feeling of graduating high school, moving twelve hours away from my family, or maybe even turning 18 a couple of days ago would make me feel like a "grown up" but after a month into college, I have definitely experienced feeling like an adult; and it's not due to these milestones in life, its the everyday occurrences. So here are a list of things that have made me feel old:

1) I Actually Get To Do What I Want
Yes, you don't have to ask mom and dad for permission when you're in college, but if you're like me, this just means your weekends aren't consumed with babysitting anymore. Due to the fact that I had worlds best parents, (yes, literally the best) I have been trained to avoid all dangerous situations and events that involve drugs, alcohol, or other things that could get me in trouble. While it is nice to freely make your own plans, its nicer to surround your self in a positive environment with good influences while makings life long memories. 

2) Realizing That Self-Sufficiency Has Never Been More Apparent
One of the hardest things I've had to deal with while here at college is coming home after a long day of school and a two hour practice and not walking in to a plate of mommas good food on the table waiting for me. Yes, this may seem like a minor thing, but some days I'm just so tired that making a decent meal is not in the cards for me and I end up settling on a bowl of cereal or a good old lunch meat sandwich. 

3) I Have To Do Chores (Like, All of Them)
Rather than living in the typical college dorm room, I have the lovely opportunity of living in an apartment thanks to AIB, but while it is nice to have a decent amount of space with my own kitchen and bathroom, that also means I am responsible for the upkeep of it, and let me tell you, Clorox wipes have never been more relevant and the Swiffer is my new best friend. You could say its because I was raised by Lieutenant Leslie and she made me into a clean freak, or maybe its just because I take pride in where I live and I simply want it to look nice and be germ free, which is why I spend my Friday's cleaning the apartment-everything from bleaching the bathtub, dusting the shelves, to vacuuming. (Thanks, Mom).

While college is a unique experience for everyone, it is also an everyday learning experience as well. 

4) Knowing I Have Full Responsibility 
I no longer have somebody asking me "Is your homework done?" or "Did you study for that test?", I must use time management to get my work done in a timely manner so I still get an adequate amount of rest, which sometimes means taking all of Sunday afternoon to complete my assignments for the upcoming week so I'm not staying up until midnight struggling to get it all done. 

5) Making Good Choices at the Grocery Store
As I mentioned before, I do live in an apartment-which means I do have to stock a fridge/kitchen, forcing me to do my own grocery shopping (about every week or two weeks) with the Oreos and Little Debbie's taunting me as I walk down the isles. I must admit it is a challenge sometimes to choose the Wheat Thins over the family size bag of Dorritos, but it is an accomplishment every time I do so. 

6) I Appreciate Everything So Much More
Going to college has opened my eyes to all the different kinds of customs, interests, traditions, and likes of various kinds of people when I attend a school filled with people from Australia, California, Bosnia, England, Iowa, Washington, Hawaii, South Africa, and Idaho. (Oh, and in case you were wondering, not everyone was raised to say yes ma'am and no sir, it definitely is a southern thing). Meeting people that are continents away from their parents, working multiple jobs to stay in school, and without support from family make me realize how truly blessed I am to be in college with full financial and spiritual support from family and friends, and be surrounded by God's grace everyday. 

All in all, I'm doing alright. College is everything I expected it to be, yet so much more. I try and take things day by day. Sometimes I really miss home and I really wish I could go to Whataburger with my Dad, or pick my sisters up from school and hear them talk about how their day was. I miss the simple convince of my grandparents being less than a mile down the road, and the taste of Chicken Express sweet tea. I miss my mom because she's my best friend, and I miss sundays when the whole family would get up and go to church together. But I'm making so many new friends and learning so much here at college. Please continue to pray for me and try not to worry too much, I was raised by two awesome parents and I am surrounded by The Lords Love everyday.