Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Start of Something New

For those that know me personally, you may know that I have enjoyed writing since I was young girl and still to this day enjoy partaking in story telling through my high school newspaper The Indian Echo as well as my yearbook. In fact, I enjoy writing so much that I have decided to major in Mass Communications in college, a major that allows me to pursue careers in Journalism, Sports Broadcasting, Marketing, Public Relations, and Media Management, all of which I am very enthralled by.

Why the idea of starting a Blog has never dawned on me before I am not quite sure, considering how much I love to write; but today I begin the start of something new as I embark on this new outlet of writing.

I look forward to sharing my thoughts here on my newest outlet of writing.

The title of my Blog, "In a Southern State of Mind" was decided on by the simple fact that I wanted a statement that both described myself and could easily tie in to the content of my posts. I'm not exactly sure if my "slogan" will relate to every entry I post, but i'm hoping it does. I have also chosen to use this blog as a way to express my views, thoughts, opinions, and perhaps even personal experiences.Now you may be wondering how the phrase "In a Southern State of Mind" could describe a person. Well, considering I'm from the great state of Texas, located in the South; I am constantly surrounded by friendly people, the presence of God, and of course my favorite: Sweet Tea. I consider my self constantly in a "Southern State of Mind" with my patriotism, love of meeting new people, and amazement of God's grace, and as I have traveled to other places across the United States, I still believe the South is the best.

Throughout this new experience I encourage my viewers, (If I even receive any that is) to comment on my posts, enlighten me with your opinions, and also offer me ideas of things to write about, and just maybe I will discover that more of my peers are also in a "Southern State of Mind."