Thursday, March 27, 2014

Is Finding Happiness a Challenge?

In a world of crashing economies, teenage negativity, and frustration; teens, adults and people of all kinds now have something to look forward to each and every day.

“71% of people tried to complete this challenge, but failed quoting lack of time as the main reason,” said. “These people simply did not have time to be happy. Do you?”

Thanks to a new worldwide campaign, some where around 350,000 Americans and citizens of all nations are challenged with being happy for 100 days in a row, just by finding little things in each and everyday to put a smile on their face.

“We live in times when super-busy schedules have become something to boast about,” the website said. “While the speed of life increases, there is less and less time to enjoy the moment that you are in.”

Found on the “100 Happy Days” website, the rules of the challenge are simple-One: Every day share a photo on a social media site of your choice: Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, of something that made you happy. Two: Use the hash-tags #100HAPPYDAYS and #Day1, and each day following every photo you post, as well as a unique hash-tag that ties into the photo you are sharing for the day; and Three: No boasting or bragging of any kind is to be allowed through the challenge. 100 Happy Days is to make you realize the good in everyday, not to show everyone the lavish life you live.

The use of the campaigns hash-tag allows you to also see the other participants photos and posts of small things that have brightened their day throughout the challenge. 

Many who have completed the challenge have had nothing but positive feedback, and the campaigns website even published some claims people have said including: being in a better mood, the receiving of more compliments, and the realization of how lucky they are to live the life they have, becoming more optimistic, and even falling in love.

The website offers those completing the challenge for all 100 days a book composed with the photos used in their challenge to reflect on for many years to come. Though the website has no information published about the creators of the campaign, or any kind of real proof on how this challenge makes you happy, I for one can speak from experience and say this challenge does change your outlook on life.

Rather than just getting by every day in school and dealing with an influx of adolescents, I find little things in everyday that put a smile on my face. Whether it be seeing an old friend at the gym, eating brownies my mom made for me, or having a family movie night with Disney’s Frozen. Typically I would go into everyday not knowing what kind of ups and downs it would hold, but now I'm always on the lookout for even the smallest things I never really knew could brighten up my day.

I've learned that even after a long day of testing and rigorous homework, I can find comfort and happiness in my family, a good book, the gym, my mom's cooking, and even my sisters laugh. This challenge has opened my eyes at how beautiful the lives we live really are.

For the first time in 17 years, I can finally answer my parents with a good answer when they ask “How was your day honey?” If you’re having a rough time lately or just simply looking for a challenge, see what can make you happy and sign up for this amazing campaign at It will definitely change the way you look at each and every day!