Friday, May 23, 2014

God's Guidance

As humans, we go through life with the notion that everyday could be our last day, and that at any moment our lives could change. We could lose a mother, son, best friend, or even ourselves in the unpredictable chaos that we know as life. I have often wondered if people have any kind of say in their lives-with car wrecks, the government, brain aneurysms, laws, and heart attacks; are we ever in control? Or are we ever sure in ourselves? Do we know exactly where our passion lies and what we want to do for the rest of our lives as we begin college at the mere age of 17 or 18? Are there women that can say with 100% accuracy that the man they married, or had children with is the person that God meant for them to be with? How do we know- how can we make decisions on our own, regarding our family, future, and friends when our very fate is being decided as we breathe?

In my last year of high school I have frequently heard the phrase "God's plan for me", multiple times-from teachers, friends, and even acquaintances- people I don't really know. Though not all of the conversations about the "will" or "plan" of God's were all alike, one thing they had in common was that the speakers of the conversations all seemed to be secure in walking along the path God assigned to them.

Throughout these conversations, topics of mission work, outreach, and serving The Lord all served as topics of those secure in God's plan for them; and that left me wondering, what is God's plan for me? Am I being selfish by attending college in the fall rather than reaching out to those who need The Lords love? Are my actions not pleasing in God's eyes because I don't dedicate as much time as I should spreading the good Christian word? Or more importantly-does God have a plan for me, and how will I know when he is trying to present it to me? One reassurance I have found in my uncertainty about God's plan for me is Jeremiah 29:11-a familiar verse to many, which says: "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.'"

While Jeremiah 29:11 proclaims that God will give a bright future to all his children, how do we know when he calls on us to be a Leader? Does he choose only the extraordinary ones, or anyone willing to serve him? As I have grown older, and read more passages of The Bible, verses such as Proverbs 16:9, which says-"The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps," leads me to believe that to some extent (in all actuality it is probably a high extent) that it is not ourselves who run our lives; but God instead, who places roles within each and every child of his-just some maybe more complex than others.

Mission trips to countries such as Honduras, Kenya, and Haiti have proven to be humbling experiences for those fortunate to be able to reach out to touch children and adults with the love and service of God.

The Bible states that it is our Christian duty to serve The Lord and do good will to others, and verses such as Mark 16:15, which says-“Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation," reiterate our belief in that notion. Sometimes late at night when random thoughts consume my head I often wonder if God's plans for me are like a flashing neon sign in front of me and I am to consumed with self goals to notice them; and I fear the consequences of not walking along the path God intended for me.

One thing that keeps me secure in my position as a child, and perhaps even a disciple of God is knowing that by doing simple tasks such as praying for others, reading my Bible, and showing the love of The Lord through service, I am pleasing God and fulfilling the duties of a Christian, similar to what Peter 4:10-11 describes to us by saying: "As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever."

I think the key to finding out God's plan for you is to always keep your eyes open for opportunities to give back, serve, and spread his word, and to continuously pray for guidance- all while awaiting the rest of the game plays for our constantly moving and changing lives.