Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Closer to Christ

If you were to die tomorrow- simply slip away,  how would you want spend your last day? Some may spend it making amends with loved ones or friends, others asking for forgiveness, and maybe even a few celebrating a great life and wonderful memories. On your last day would your friends and family know how much you cared for them? Would you feel confident that God would recognize your devotion and unwavering love for him, or would you fear him second guessing your faith?

In recent weeks many students, friends and family in our town were struck by a terrible tragedy. By now many may know that former SGP Alumni Jacob Hollings passed away due to a work related accident. This left me and many other friends and loved ones of this young boy reminded that "only the good die young" and "nobody is guaranteed tomorrow."

As Christians, we should not wait until tragedy or defining moments impact our lives to test our faith and judgement in God. We should work everyday at small things, and take it upon ourselves to assess our commitment to Christ. I can be the first to say this task is easier said than done, but a simple prayer is the best place to start. 

I encourage Christians to continually ask themselves simple questions such as:

1) Do I love God as much as I should?

2) Do my priorities bring me closer to The Lord?
3) Do I believe, support and understand the word of God?
4) Do I openly accept Jesus and his plan for my life into my heart and mind?
5) Am I glorifying God and helping to spread his word to others?

Jeremiah 29:11 is a constant reminder that God always has a watchful eye out for each and everyone of us.

Many people think that just because they promptly show up to church every Sunday at 11:00 they have done their Christian duty for the week; but in all honesty, a relationship with God is very much like a relationship with a boyfriend, or a wife. It's not always easy and it requires work. It takes more than doing what is asked of you. In order to feel fulfilled and confident in your relationship with The Lord, you must constantly talk to him through prayer, and not just when you need something. Prayer can consist of asking for guidance on the right path, forgiveness for a sin, gratitude for blessings, and support for those you care for. You must immerse yourself in his work whenever you get the chance, and reach out to those who are not aware of his love. 

Now I'm not asking you to be that person that stands on the corner of the street and condemns everyone to hell who doesn't read the Bible or attend Sunday morning worship; I'm simply saying everyone must start somewhere. Luke 6:35 says: "But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked." So the next time you see someone struggling to carry groceries, or that person you can't stand in your math class that doesn't quite understand the assignment, help them out, for this is what God intended humans and Christians to do- "Love your neighbor as yourself".

Many times I find myself struggling to wrap my mind around this great thing we call Christianity. To me it is so baffling to think that a religion made up of "seers" translated to a religion of "believers" and has been handed down for centuries. John 20:29 says: "Blessed are those who have not seen but yet still believe." I know, and believe that no matter what I am going through, or what I will face in the future, I have a God who is unwavering, and unmoving in his love for me and every other person that confesses a belief in him. It is so amazing to me that a man; a God sent from above came to earth to die for me, for us; for humans that made so many mistakes. The least we can do is spread his purpose through the words and scripture he taught us so long ago. 

So instead of watching the full episode of The Bachelor, or spending that extra 30 minutes on the computer; save some time for reading the Bible and prayer. You will not only feel safe and secure, you will continue to grow in your relationship with our great Lord; because you never know which day could be your last.