Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Treasure Your Time

With Celsius, Fahrenheit, customary, metric, roman numerals, numbers, letters and symbols; does the world have a central unit of measure for matter? In fact it does, and it is perhaps the most precious aspect of our human lives: time.

From the minute we exit our mothers womb and enter into the world our days are numbered, and our lives could end at any moment. Fatal illnesses, car accidents, and other often times undetectable factors can heavily impact the quality and quantity of our days on earth.

Recently, (well perhaps maybe just even in the past year alone) I have witnessed, experienced, or heard about the passing and deteriorating health of family friends and acquaintances; something that seems to be common place with more and more people I talk too-even movies such as The Fault In Our Stars depict life altering illness that eventually lead to death. Just the other day I was telling my mom about how often times I fear death, because I feel as if it is all around me-happening to friends and family, and at any moment death could affect my life; I could be taken away in the blink of an eye-leaving the plans God and myself have set aside for me done away with. So, you see when it comes to movies such as My Sisters Keeper, The Fault In Our Stars, and The Last Song, you can bet that I'll be crying, because I always relate those situations and imagine them being applied to my life, because as humans we constantly live our lives selfishly; only meddling in the current moment and gearing everything around self satisfaction. So, for me films such as the ones listed above bring me back to reality about how precious life and our time here on earth is.

Life is short-and our time on earth should be spent glorifying God, not selfishly

I remember my Dad telling me once "Nobody is guaranteed tomorrow, so make sure you make the most out of everyday", and as I've gotten older, I see that his statement couldn't be more apparent. So, why do we as humans live our lives rarely attempting to make a difference and only concerning our daily lives with ourselves? Our bodies are mortal, they were not meant to live forever, but they were meant to change the world during our time on earth. We were created in God's image; for the sole purpose of spreading his word, and his love to people of all nations.

Ephesians 5:15-17 says: "Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of The Lord is; a statement that couldn't be more apparent for those of us who deem ourselves as followers of Christ."

Our daily lives should be filled with the actions of one who seeks to glorify God in everything we do-this does not necessarily mean taking extreme measures such as mission trips across the country, it can be as simple as helping a neighbor, volunteering at VBS, or even just leading by example and showing compassion, forgiveness, and selflessness. Jonathan Estrin once said:"The way we spend our time defines who we are." So, rather than trying to make appearances in social scenes where we can be complimented on how much weight we've lost, instead we should harness our energy in bettering and enriching our communities, families, schools, and churches.

Seek God's guidance in your life; pray and ask him to bless your family, give you the strength to help others, and the courage to make a difference in the lives of somebody.

When our time is up and we finally see God's face in the kingdom of Heaven, we don't want God to ponder our lives work and question our abilities as his disciples-we want him to be firm in his adoration of the Christian duties we had on earth. God is the reason for every heartbeat, breath, and every good and perfect thing; so stoping waiting for "the right time", because one day your time will run out; and all that seemed so important will suddenly vanish. Psalm 39:4 reminds of this notion by saying: “Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered – how fleeting my life is.” Time is precious, waste it wisely on things that enhance the overall quality of not only our lives, but the lives around us and do as Mark 16:15 states: “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation."